What inspired the creation of your company/product?
I was becoming very concerned with workers pay and environmental issues in the fashion industry. I wanted to create and sell products that are environmentally friendly, non-toxic and lifting up the people who make them. Women's health and education are also concerns of mine; my business allows me to create economic opportunities for female artisans in remote villages in Indonesia. Furthermore, each purchase from our shop benefits Education and Healthcare funds for our artisans and their families. How has your faith influenced your company/product? 1 Corinthians 13:13 says "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." I truly believe that love begins with us. In my diet, what I wear and how I do business, I aim to be non-harming and loving. Thus all of our products are vegan, and as much as possible, we use natural colorings. We help people despite their religious preferences (or non-religious preference), race or political beliefs. |